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No disruption to the network.

Our CSR policy

Towards decarbonized mass transit systems


To meet environmental and societal challenges, and with the financial support of Brest Métropole, the Bibus transport network is modernizing its vehicle fleet and now uses alternative energies to diesel. Begun in 2022, the gradual electrification of buses will continue until 2030 to comply with the LOM law. In addition, a number of buses run by our subcontracting partners, fuelled by bioGNV, are on the road in the metropolitan area.

Since 2023, the fleet of service vehicles has been renewed with the arrival of 10 electric cars or vans, making it easier for drivers or staff to travel from one site to another.


Development of a soft mobility offer


Two electrically-assisted bicycle rental services are available to Brest métropole residents :

  • Vélocibus, the long-term bicycle rental service.

  • VéloZef, the self-service bike rental service.


Examples of actions in favor of the environment

Real-time information for passengers on the GHG emissions of different bus and streetcar journeys (via the Bibus app).

  • The desire to obtain ISO 14001 certification in the medium term, following an environmental audit.

  • Improving the energy efficiency of buildings.

  • Controlling water, gas and electricity consumption through concrete actions such as switching to LED lighting for all administrative premises, workshops and storage areas, and recycling washing water.

  • Waste recovery by using local service providers to collect hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

  • Des informations en temps réel destinées aux voyageurs sur les émissions GES des différents trajets effectués en bus ou en tramway (via l’appli Bibus).

  • A partnership with EcoTree: an initiative to preserve the forest by owning trees in Brittany.

  • Making maintenance teams aware of the risks of accidental pollution.

  • The annual extra-financial performance declaration is sent to the RATP Dev group.

  • Compliance with current regulatory constraints, in particular those relating to ICPE.


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