Presentation Various secure bicycle parking solutions are available in the Brest metropolitan area. A total of 260 secure parking spaces are available. See the map of bicycle parking facilities at various strategic locations in Brest metropole : Communal bicycle parking How the P+V bicycle parking facilities work : Open 24/7. To open the door, present your KorriGo card at the validation terminal at the entrance (see access conditions below). They are secured by a video-protection system and KorriGo card entry. In the event of a problem, use the emergency call button at the tramway station, near the automatic ticket dispenser. Individual instructions How individual setpoints work : Their use is free of charge and available to the public 24/7 (no prior registration required). Two levels of security: front door locking (padlock/antitheft) and bike attachment (antitheft). Access to bicycle parking For people who do not have a KorriGo card. go to the Bibus boutique to obtain a KorriGo access card, or request one directly online from the online boutique: after creating an account, simply click on “Order a KorriGo card”, (delivered to your home within 7 days). Need a bike ? Bibus also offers self-service rental of Vélozef electrically-assisted bicycles and long-term rental of Vélocibus electrically-assisted bicycles.