Do you have a question, a suggestion, are you looking for information or you would like to submit a complaint about the Bibus transport network ? Don’t hesitate to send us a message using the following contact form. We will answer you as quickly as possible. Contact informations Last name First name Email Mobile phone Work phone Address Postal code City If you have a transport pass, please specify its number Ticket informations Nature of your request - Select -ComplimentInformation requestRequest for proofRequest PROGestion Administrative (Résiliation, abonnement, paiements, etc...)Lost and Found objectExtracurricularLoyalty programComplaintRecrutement, CVSuggestion Motif de votre demande - None -Punctuality / regularityPassenger informationMaterial and spaces (vehicles, stations, equipment, comfort, cleanliness)Ticketing (fares, fines)Relational (reception, care, agent behaviour)Service offer (timetable, line layout, etc.)Security / safetyOtherPunctuality / regularityPassenger informationMaterial and spaces (vehicles, stations, equipment, comfort, cleanliness)Ticketing (fares, fines)Relational (reception, care, agent behaviour)Service offer (timetable, line layout, etc.)Security / safetyConseil en mobilitéDemande itinéraires et horairesComment/Ou régler un PVDemande de devisVoyage individuelOtherDemande de justificatif/attestationDemande de justificatif de retardSuppliersCommercial solicitationDemande de goodiesPartnership requestOtherConseil de Mobilité PersonnaliséAdministrative management MticketRésiliation, changement de compte bancaire, etc...ImpayésAbonnement/rechargement de carteLost objectFound objectReservationCancellationInformation requestComplaint Award of pointsDifficulties enrolling in the programmeClaiming the receipt of an endowmentSuggested partnersOtherPunctuality / regularityPassenger informationMaterial and spaces (vehicles, stations, equipment, comfort, cleanliness)Ticketing (fares, fines)Relational (reception, care, agent behaviour)Service offer (timetable, line layout, etc.)Security / safetyVerbalizationDysfonctionnement outils (site web, app, écran, etc...)OtherPunctuality / regularityPassenger informationMaterial and spaces (vehicles, stations, equipment, comfort, cleanliness)Ticketing (fares, fines)Relational (reception, care, agent behaviour)Service offer (timetable, line layout, etc.)Security / safetySupports et outils numériquesOther Transport mode - Select -BusTramwayCable carAccemoTram replacement busSchool linesTAD linesBikeSans objet Object Your message If you have a file reference, please indicate it Date de l'évènement I agree to receive information about my network Heure - None -000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223 Minutes - None -000102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859 Ligne concernée - None -Ligne 1Ligne 2ALigne 2BLigne 3Ligne 4Ligne 5Ligne 6Ligne 10Ligne 11Ligne 12Ligne 13Ligne 14Ligne 15Ligne 16Ligne 17Ligne 18Ligne 19Ligne 20 (aéroport)Ligne 21Ligne 22Ligne 23Ligne 25Ligne 26Ligne 27Ligne bleue 29Ligne Noctybus 30Sans objetLigne 2Ligne ALigne CLigne 101Ligne 31Ligne 40Ligne 41Ligne 42Ligne 43Ligne 44Ligne 45Ligne 46Ligne 50Ligne 51Ligne 52Ligne 55Ligne 56Ligne 60Ligne 61Ligne 65Ligne 66Ligne 67Ligne 68Ligne 69Ligne 70Ligne 71Ligne 72Ligne 75Ligne 76Ligne 77Ligne 78Ligne 80Ligne 81Sans objetLigne 90Ligne 91Ligne 92Ligne 93Ligne 94Ligne 95Ligne 96Ligne 97Sans objetVélocibusVélozef Sens Station Additional informations Fichiers Select files File number 1 Allowed types: pdf doc png jpg jpeg.2 MB limit. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. I agree to the processing of my personal data By ticking this box, you agree to your data being processed in the context of your request in order to provide you with an appropriate response as soon as possible. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy ici. Required field