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No disruption to the network.

Safety rules

When you are near a tram, be careful !

The majority of accidents happen due to lack of concentration from drivers, motorcyclists and pedestrians.

Red lights or stop signs that are not respected, sudden changes in direction, changing lanes without checking first, looking at a smartphone, headphones, etc. All this dangerous behaviour should be banned.

Drivers, motorcyclists and pedestrians, please be vigilant at all times !

Good to know :

The net weight of a tram is 30 tonnes and with a normal load it weighs 55 tonnes. The braking distances are therefore significant. At a speed of 30 kilometres/hour, a tram needs 25 metres to stop. At a speed of 50 kilometres/hour, it needs 55 metres.

Safety instructions 

In any case, when you are near the tram tracks and when you see the following signs :

Panneaux de sécurité
  • Signs you are approaching tracks : be careful and slow down as you approach a tram station.

  • Position sign : you are crossing the platform, make sure the tracks are free, the tram has right of way !

  • Pedestrian zones : even in a pedestrian zone, the tram has right of way !

  • Pedestrian lights : a red light means a tram is about to arrive.


When you are using the roads 

By bike :

  •  Be careful when crossing the rails, a wheel may slip over them and cause a fall.

  • Obey the lights and stop signs.

  • Take the cycle paths and lanes. They are more and more numerous in urban areas. In Brest Métropole, to encourage cyclists, all lanes reserved for buses are open to bicycle traffic. However, you are recommended to stay well to the right on the bus lane to allow the bus to pass by.

  • Beware of blind spots on a bus: the driver cannot see you there.

  • In addition, regardless of the place of circulation :

    • wearing a helmet is strongly recommended, protecting against head trauma in the event of a fall.

    • wearing a retro-reflective vest is strongly recommended. It is compulsory outside the built-up area for any cyclist (and their passenger) traveling at night or when visibility is insufficient. Generally speaking, you are advised to wear bright colors.

  • To turn, remember to glance behind your shoulder, extend your arm in the direction and then commit. “Directional backpack” type equipment also exists to accentuate the communication of the desired direction to motorists.

  • If the triangular “M12” sign is present at a traffic light, you can move forward even if the traffic light is red, provided that the way is clear.

  • Behind a stopped bus, you must estimate whether you have the time necessary to overtake it before it restarts and whether it has room for this maneuver. The recommendation in this case is to move approximately 1 meter away from the bus when overtaking. When in doubt, stay behind.


On foot : 

  • Even in pedestrian zones or on pedestrian crossings, the tram has right of way.

  • Be extra careful if you are using the telephone or listening to music near the tracks, so you can hear the tram arrive !

  • Umbrellas, hoods and other hats reduce your range of vision. Be careful !

  • Respect pedestrian traffic lights.

  • Do not run over the tracks and make sure you look left and right before crossing.

  • Do not cross over behind a tram, another one could arrive !

  • Be aware of blind spots for bus drivers.


By car : 

  • When approaching a tram junction, be extra careful, the tram has right of way.

  • Do not drive along tram tracks, it is strictly forbidden !

  • Do not use bus lanes, they are reserved for buses.

  • Respect the highway code.

  • Be aware of blind spots for bus drivers.


Tram passengers 

  • Hold onto the safety bars and handrails or sit down before a tram starts moving, emergency braking can occur at any moment, and can cause falls.

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